Industrial Experts Week (Even Semester 2020/2021)
During the Covid-19 pandemic, circumstances force us to use technology effectively where all activities are carried out using technology. Master of Management at Telkom University continues to innovate for its students through an event entitled Industrial Experts Week with the theme “Surviving Business in the Pandemic Covid-19 Era”. The Industrial Expert Week event this time […]
Welcoming Telkom University Postgraduate New Students Even Semester 2020/2021
Saturday, February 13, 2021, a welcoming ceremony for Telkom University Postgraduate New Students was held. This reception was also attended by Khoirul Anwar who gave a Public Lecture for postgraduate students. Followed by a welcome from the MM Study Program which was attended by lecturers to introduce MM more clearly. Welcome and welcome to join […]
Matriculation of Even Semester Year 2020/2021
On February 9-11, 2021, matriculation has been carried out for new students of Telkom University Master of Management. This matriculation was held for 3 days. The first day on February 9, 2021, a FINON (Financial for non-accounting) matriculation was held at the Zoom Meeting which started at 08.00 to 17.00. The speaker was the MM […]
Pasar Tradisional dan Covid-19: Transformasi Digital dan Budaya Pasar Bersih Sehat sebagai Strategi Menghadapi Pandemi
Pengabdian Masyarakat FEB Telkom University di Pasar Tradisional Kabupaten Bandung Pasar dirasakan penting keberadaannya karena pasar menyediakan pangan yang aman. Data dari Ditjen. Perdagangan Dalam Negeri-Departemen Perdagangan 2007 menyebutkan bahwa di Indonesia terdapat sekitar 13.450 pasar tradisional dengan 12.625 juta pedagang beraktivitas didalamnya. Keberadaan pasar dipengaruhi oleh keberadaan produsen, pemasok, penjual, konsumen, manajer pasar, petugas yang […]
Even Semester Lecturer Facilitating Meeting for 2020/2021 Master of Management Study Program
This activity is carried out once every semester to prepare for lectures. This meeting was held online on Friday, February 5, 2021. Starting with a series of opening activities, which were opened by the Rector of Telkom University Prof. Adiwijaya, and was attended by Dr. Edi Witjara and the lecturers and PAMM staff. Followed by […]