[mvc_timeline_father title=”” size=”20″][mvc_timeline_son maintitle=”MBA Bandung” date=”1990″ clr=”#dd3333″ size=”22″ titlesize=”20″ titleclr=”#000000″ bgclr=”#dd3333″ icon=”fas fa-university”]

The Master of Management study program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, has been diversely transformed since its establishment. At first, it was an MBA-Bandung founded in late 1989 by PT. Telkom. The Program was started in 1990 in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Manila, Philippines.

 [/mvc_timeline_son][mvc_timeline_son maintitle=”Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bisnis” caption_url=”” date=”1994″ size=”22″ icon=”fas fa-graduation-cap” clr=”#b5b5b5″ bgclr=”#bcbcbc” titlesize=”22″]

In 1994, the MBA-Bandung changed into Bandung College of Management (STMB/Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bandung). MBA transformed into Master of Management Program.

[/mvc_timeline_son][mvc_timeline_son maintitle=”Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bisnis Telkom” date=”2004″ clr=”#dd3333″ icon=”fas fa-university” bgclr=”#dd3333″ titlesize=”22″ size=”22″]

In 2004, to strengthen its identity in the field of science of management of the telecommunications business, STMB changed its name to the Telkom College of Business Management (STMB Telkom/Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bisnis Telkom).

[/mvc_timeline_son][mvc_timeline_son maintitle=”Institute Manajemen Telkom” date=”2007″ clr=”#b5b5b5″ size=”22″ icon=”fas fa-graduation-cap” bgclr=”#b5b5b5″ titlesize=”22″]

By considering the increase of undergraduate students, in 2007, STMB Telkom was enchanced into an institute and changed its name to Telkom Institute of Management (IMT/Institut Manajemen Telkom).

[/mvc_timeline_son][mvc_timeline_son maintitle=”Telkom University” date=”2013″ clr=”#dd3333″ size=”22″ icon=”fas fa-graduation-cap” bgclr=”#dd3333″ titlesize=”22″]

In 2013, Telkom University (Tel-U) was established by merging four higher education institutions under Telkom Education Foundation. Telkom University was officially established on July 17, 2013, and Telkom University Master of Management Program is under the School of Economics and Business.
