Name : Muhammad Rizqy Dwi Putra
Education : S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom
Testimony :
“Telkom University MM program created the students especially to be ready for competition in the industry. In every activity in the classroom or outside the classroom, students are given new insights and management based on technology so that I am sure that the knowledge that has been obtained can help to further develop in the current digital era.”

Name : Dian Puteri Ramadhani
Education : S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom
Testimony :
“Studying at Telkom University via fastrack only takes 5 years to get an S.M., M.M.
One thing that I am very proud of is the Management Study Program at Telkom University always encourages students to be far more familiar with technology, especially large-scale data processing or what is known as Big Data.
Big Data in general is often considered not included in the realm of management student learning.
The use of Big Data science for business decision making is well suited to market needs, where many industrial players find it difficult to find talents with “technical” expertise who also understand well about “non-technical” issues, and vice versa.
Telkom University Management Study Program has created a unique value in me, a unique value that is very beneficial for various industries that are struggling to defend themselves in the current era of technological disruption. Thank you Telkom University.”

Name : Iman Wigastianto
Education : S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom
Testimony :
“Two years of undertaking the MM Telkom University program brought a memorable value to my life. Besides getting the opportunity to develop myself and enrich knowledge, I can also meet great people, competent teachers who are always humble in presenting their knowledge and experience.
I am also happy to be part of a new family (Regular 17 and 18) who always support the lecture process and activities. Thank you to all MM Telkom University lecturers and academic staff, thank you also for all friends. Always success for everything, Jazakumullah. “

Name : Hariadi Kristianto
Education : S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom
Testimony :
“The proud experience of being able to undergo a Masters degree at Telkom University by utilizing technology in the learning process, which is supported by lecturers and practitioners who are highly qualified in their fields, so they can be invited to discuss and provide insights that can be implemented in the world of work.”

Name : Anggita Prameswara Putri
Education : S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom
Testimony :
“I got a lot of knowledge here, extraordinary lecturers, especially my thesis supervisor, all of the staff were very responsive and worked well. I really enjoy studying here”

Name : Pramudya Putra Utama
Education : S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom
Job : PT Telekomunikasi Selular
Reasons to Study at MM Tel-U:
The blended class learning method at MM Tel-U, is very contemporary, because it is not bound by place, for employees like me, who sometimes have to work ‘mobile’ is very helpful.
Testimony :
A very pleasant blended class learning experience, compact friends, new and updated insights and knowledge, competent lecturers and full support especially in Finance specialization, and Assistance Program (secretariat staff) a helpful Study Program.
Viva Telkom University.
Always Succes.

Name : Indah Fajarwati
Education : S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom
Testimony :
“I have really enjoyed the broad range of modules within my course being in the class with colleagues from several industries, they have enabled me to gain an insight into the different areas of the field.”

Name : Ficky Yoga Pratama Sagala
Education : S-1 (Management Bisnis Telekomunikasi dan Informatika); S-2 (Magister Manajemen Telkom University)
Job : Manager Corporate and Government Connectivity PT. Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel)
Reasons to study at MM Tel-U :
- The lecturers and materials that I got during my Bachelor degree were related to the industry which I believe will continue to be “interesting” to continue to explore, namely the telecommunications industry, so this has made me even more convinced to choose to continue my Masters in Management at Telkom University;
- The online learning method is very interesting because it is not bound by place, very efficient and effective because it can focus fully on lecture material after working all day at the office.
Testimony :
- Lecturers and practitioners who are highly qualified in their fields, so they can be invited to discuss and provide insights that can be implemented in the real world of work;
- Online Class is a method of learning other than Onsite, and this is very cool …

Name : Melya Yosita
Education : S-1 Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi dan Informatika (MBTI) Telkom University, S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom University
Job : Wirausaha (entrepreneur)
Reasons to Study at MM Tel-U:
Because it is aligned (linear) with my major in undergraduate and the accreditation is very good.
A very enjoyable and unforgettable learning experience to study at Telkom University from my bachelor to master’s degree. Highly competent lecturers, courses in accordance with the department, access & excellent service to facilitate students and adequate campus environment. Thank you, Telkom University ..

Name : Bella Dwi Jayanti
Education : S-1 DKV Telkom University, S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom University
Job : Karyawan BUMN Telkom
Reasons to Study at MM Tel-U:
The need to study Management and business because of getting a job that suits the major
Thank you for giving a lot of knowledge, Telkom University. Hopefully the graduates here can make a major contribution to the country.

Name : Kristian Wahyu Adi Nugroho
Education : S-1 Teknik Informatika, S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom University
Job : Karyawan PT Telekomunikasai Seluler (Telkomsel)
Reasons to study at MM Tel-U:
There are opportunities for Blended Learning courses that are very helpful in college time
Lecturers who are very supportive (full support) for each learning process up to the thesis process, especially in the Department of Finance (Finance)

Name : Imam Wahyu Priyanto
Education : S-1 Sistem Informasi Universitas Indonesia, S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom University
Job : Product Quality Management PT. Telkomsel
Reasons to study at MM Tel-U:
Explore marketing knowledge to be implemented in companies to be useful for everyone
- The S-2 Program at Telkom University provides exceptional experience, especially collaborative learning, improvement of skills & knowledge management, PPT creating, and endurance when doing thesis.
- It is strongly recommended for colleagues who are working to take the Masters Management in Telkom University because it is easy to implement directly.

Name : Izal Zaelani
Education : S-1 Akutansi, S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom University
Job : Akunting di Telkomsel
Reasons to study at MM Tel-U:
To improve knowledge, especially managerial skills.
The online lecture method is a new thing for me where I feel the time and place are becoming more flexible so that the effort and time that I go out is not as heavy as the conventional lecture method (face to face), however in its implementation there are still a few things that need improvement, especially in discussions or presentations. I am sure that in the future this online lecture will be more perfect and be able to become one of the solutions for employees who want to study master’s degree with limited time due to work.

Name : I Gede Wiyana Ananta Noor
Education : S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom
Job : Auditor Utama di Telkomsel
Reasons to study at MM Tel-U:
Adding management insights and applying data analytics techniques to management and giving examples to children who are adored that learning knows no age limits
A proud experience of being able to study by utilizing technology in learning activities on the campus.

Name : Dea Delia Lestari
Education : S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom University
Reasons to study at MM Tel-U:
Because I want to study business management
Thank you for introducing me the world of management and exciting friends!

Name : Najih Azkalhaq
Education : S-1 Teknik Informatika Telkom University, S-2 Magister Manajemen Telkom University
Job : Staff IT Telkomsel
Reasons to study at MM Tel-U:
I chose to study at MM because the price of education offered was quite affordable, with proven quality in terms of accreditation and also the graduation profile. And the most interesting thing is that MM study program offers evening / professional classes, so that I can study master degree and work during the day.
MM Study Program Telkom University provides education with a case method approach. This makes the educational material provided more easily absorbed and understood by students because of its practical approach. Especially because there is a choice of professional / executive classes that allow us professionals to be able to work as well as study, affordable education prices and also the availability of various other facilities is the right media to develop themselves. Thank you Telkom University …