The Cooperation of Angkasa Pura II with Tel-U in the fields of Education, Research, and Community Devotion
President Director of PT Angkasa Pura II (AP II), Dr. Muhammad Awaluddin has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Rector of Telkom University (Tel-U), Prof. Adi Wijaya, S.Sc., M.Sc in the scope of tridharma is education, research and community devotion on Monday, March 4, 2019. The signing was also witnessed by HRD and General Affairs of PT Angkasa Pura II namely Tina T Kemala Intan, Vice President Corcomm Yado Yarismano,
Vice Rector I Academic Affair Dr. Dadan Rahadian, ST., MT, Deputy Rector IV for Research and Student Affairs Dr. Rina Pudji Astuti, MT. After signing the agreement, AP II sent 11 AP II employees to continue their S2 studies in the MM Tel-U program. This was done in order to realize the AP II HR capability enhancement program.
The collaboration is an effort to prepare human resources during the digital transformation at all airports managed by Angkasa Pura II in realizing “Smart Connected airports” in order to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
During the Industrial Revolution 4.0, manufacturing technology entered the trend of automation and data exchange. This includes cyber-physical systems, IoT or internet of things, cloud computing and cognitive. “In the future, we hope that there will be more collaboration between Telkom University and PT Angkasa Pura II and provide great benefits for Indonesia,” concluded Siska Noviaristanti, S.Sc., M.T., Ph.D as the Head of Master of Management Telkom University.