MSEB General Lecture with Dr. Edi Witjara
On Saturday, February 23, 2019, MM Tel-U was held first On-site lecture professional class 8. This Saturday, the On-site lecture in the first hour is Management Strategy and Business Ecosystem (MSEB). The head of the teaching team from this course is Mr. Dodie Tri Cahyono, PhD. He is the FEB dean and the MSEB lecturer (head of the teaching team). This lecture finishes general lecture. This MSEB general lecture was filled by Dr. Edi Witjara. The material presented was about “Corporate and Business Strategy”. This time Mr. Edi Witjara himself was not accompanied by Mr. Dodie, but accompanied by Ms. Siska Noviaristanti, PhD as the Head of MM Tel-U Study Program. Except Professional class 8, this General Lecture was also attended by Executive class 35 where there was also a MSEB lecture on Saturday. This general lecture was held at 09.00 until 12.30 WIB. After the lecture ends, continue with a group photo session.