Industrial Experts Week Odd Semester 2021-2022
Master of Management Telkom University regularly holds Industrial Experts Week events. This event is held once a semester which is attended by all MM students. Industrial Expert Week brings in experts from various industries to share how the theories learned by students are applied in the industrial world, so that they can strengthen students’ insights. This time the theme is “Business in New Normal” which will be held online via the Zoom application on October 4-8, 2021.
For the first day, there were 2 sessions. Session-1 for students taking Business Ecosystem and Strategy Management courses with speakers Leontinus Alpha Edison (Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of Tokopedia) and Dodie Tricahyono, Ph.D (MM Lecturer) as moderators. In session-2 for students taking Corporate Entrepreneurship courses with resource person Ir. H. Ibnu Susilo (Founder & Designer of PT Fin Komodo Technology) and Dr. Ratna Lindawati Lubis (MM Lecturer) as moderator.
For the second day, 3 sessions were held. Session-1 for students taking Digital Marketing courses with resource person Dr. Satrio Adhitomo, S.IP., MM., MPA., Ph.D (Deputy Director of Non-Bank Financial Institution) and Dr. Maria Apsari Sugiat (FEB Lecturer) as moderator. In session 2 for students taking Corporate Finance courses with resource persons Mohamad Ramzy (Telkomsel Finance Director) and Dr. Putri Farisk Sugestie as moderator. In session-3 for students taking Digital Business Strategy courses with resource persons Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid (Director of Digital Business Telkom Indonesia) and Siska Noviaristanti, Ph.D as moderators.
For the third day, 3 sessions were held. Session-1 for students taking MSDM courses with resource persons Dwiani Surastri Ati, CH (Head of HR and General Division of Bank BPD DIY) and Puspita Wulansari, Ph.D (FEB Lecturer) as moderators. In session-2 for students taking Operations Management courses with resource person Ir. Riri Amalas, M.M. (Director of Solution and Business Development INFOMEDIA NUSANTARA) and Dr. Palti MT Sitorus (MM Lecturer) as moderator. In session-3 for students taking Big Data and Data Analytics courses with resource persons Irham Hade, S.Kom (Head of Presales (Sales Engineer) for Data Services at PT Cybertrend Intrabuana) and Herry Irawan, ST., M.M., M.T. as a moderator.
For the fourth day, 2 sessions were held. Session-1 for students taking the Digital Talent Management course with speakers Syauqi Mujahid Robbani (CEO of Edelweiss Hospital) and Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sary (FEB Lecturer) as moderator. In session-2 for students taking Marketing Management courses with resource person Ir. Siska Suryaman, M.M. (Head of Marketing Ultrajaya) and Dr. Maya Ariyanti (MM Lecturer) as moderator.
On the last day, only 1 session was held for students taking RMS courses with resource person Lusi Satia Rahmawati, S.Sos (Librarian for Administration and Open Library Services) with the theme Mendeley and Similarities Check.
This event ran smoothly and hopefully it can be useful for MM students. For recording in this event available on Youtube channel: