Consumer Service Training for UMKM in Neglasari Majalaya Village
On Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at the office of the Head of Neglasari Majalaya Village, Bandung Regency, a Consumer Service Training was held for UMKM in Neglasari Village. The training was attended by 25 (twenty five) not only by business person, but also by village officials and youth clubs. Businesses carried out by the participants included selling brooches, special foods, pepes majalaya, sarong, retail, piggy bank, doormats, and others.
On this occasion the training was divided into 3 (three) sessions, namely: 1. General services delivered by Mrs. Dr. Maya Ariyanti, 2. Customer Service delivered by Mrs. Dinda Zuliestiana, SE., MM and 3. Handling of Customer Complaints delivered by Mr. Soeparwoto, MBT.
Neglasari Village has a partnership to improve the welfare of people with Telkom University Faculty of Economics & Business. This training activity is a series of activities from previous training in effort to make Neglasari Village as a Tourism Village. Currently, neglasari village has quite a variety of tourism potential ranging from the rice industry, handicrafts, regional art (padepokan pencak silat), rafting, and historical tourism (home of R.A Wiranata Kusumah V).