Company Visit Goes to GOJEK Head Office
On April 23, 2019 the Company visit was held by the Master of Management team, namely Ir. Dodie Tricahyono MM, Ph.D, Siska Noviaristanti, S.Sc., MT, Ph.D, Risris Rismayani, S. MB., S. Pd., MM and the lecturers and staff of MM and FEB Telkom University are visiting the GOJEK office located on Kemang Selatan Raya street no 99B South Jakarta 12730. The event starts at 10:00 to 12.00 WIB.
From the GOJEK team was represented by one of the moderators to share material or Q n A with MM lecturers, including Ir. Dodie Tricahyono M.M., Ph.D, Siska Noviaristanti, S.Sc., M.T., Ph.D, and Indrawati, M.M., Ph.D. Sharing session is conducted for approximately 1 hour, discussing Steps to expand business globally, management, application store, brand name, etc.
The very useful and memorable sharing ended with the giving of souvenirs from the Master of Management Telkom University, represented by the Dean of FEB, Ir. Dodie Tricahyono M.M., Ph.D. After the event, the MM or FEB team were invited to have lunch and tour the interior of the creative, unique and elegant GOJEK start up.