

General lucture Master of Management Telkom University with Ridwan Kamil

On March 26, 2019, an IDN Times Millennial’s Forum in Cooperation with Master of Management Telkom University held a General lucture on Management of Telkom University with Theme : “Unleashing Innovative: Embracing Entrepreneurship DNA” was very lively with the presence of West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, Founder and CEO of IDN Media Winston Utomo, Editor […]


Kuliah Umum Magister Manajemen Telkom University bersama Ridwan Kamil.

Pada tanggal 26 Maret 2019, telah di adakannya Kuliah Umun IDN Times Millennial’s Forum in Cooperation with Magister Manajemen Telkom University” dengan Thema : “Unleashing Innovative : Embracing Entrepreneurship DNA” sangat meriah dengan kehadiran pak Gubenur Jawa Barat Ridwan Kamil, Founder and CEO IDN Media Winston Utomo, Editor in Chief IDN Times Uni Lubis, Wakil […]


Udayana University’s FEB Visit about the ABEST21 International Accreditation Preparation Benchmark

On March 15, 2019, colleagues from Udayana University Bali paid a visit to the Masters Management of Telkom University. The program starts at 09:00 until finished. The opening ceremony was opened by the dean of FEB Telkom University, namely Dodie Tricahyono Ir., MM., Ph.D with sharing about ABEST21. The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship […]


Kunjungan FEB Universitas Udayana dalam Rangka Benchmark Persiapan Akreditasi Internasional ABEST21.

Pada 15 Maret 2019, rekan – rekan Universitas Udayana Bali melakukan kunjungan ke Magister Manajamen Telkom University. Acara dimulai dari jam 09:00 sampai selesai. Pembukaan acara dibuka oleh dekan FEB Telkom University, yakni Dodie Tricahyono Ir., MM., Ph.D dengan sharing mengenai ABEST21. The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, a 21st century organization […]


The Cooperation of Angkasa Pura II with Tel-U in the fields of Education, Research, and Community Devotion

President Director of PT Angkasa Pura II (AP II), Dr. Muhammad Awaluddin has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Rector of Telkom University (Tel-U), Prof. Adi Wijaya, S.Sc., M.Sc in the scope of tridharma is education, research and community devotion on Monday, March 4, 2019. The signing was also witnessed by HRD and General […]