The NGOPI (NGObrol PIntar) Online with MM #3
Master Management Telkom University which has received accreditation A by BAN-PT and internationally accredited ABEST21 continues to innovate, one of which is through the NGOPI (NGObrol PIntar) Online with MM event. This event is held online through the ZOOM Meeting with the theme “Talent Engagement: Imperative for Leadership”. Dr. Ratri Wahyuningtyas and Dr. Dian Indiyati, […]
NGOPI (NGObrol PIntar) Online bersama MM #2
Magister Manajemen Telkom University yang telah mendapatkan akreditasi A oleh BAN-PT dan terakreditasi internasional ABEST21 terus melakukan inovasi, salah satunya melalui acara NGOPI (NGObrol PIntar) Online bersama MM. Acara ini diselenggarakan secara daring melalui ZOOM Meeting dengan tema ‘Dua sisi dunia Fintech: Tantangan sekaligus Opportunity’. Materi yang disampaikan ini terkait dengan apa ketentang keuangan dengan […]
The NGOPI (NGObrol PIntar) Online with MM #2
Master Management Telkom University which has received accreditation A by BAN-PT and internationally accredited ABEST21 continues to innovate, one of which is through the NGOPI (NGObrol PIntar) Online with MM event. This event is held online through the ZOOM Meeting with the theme “Two sides of the world of Fintech: Challenges and Opportunities”. The material […]
Workshop Mendeley
Mendeley is a reference manager program and automatically generate bibliographies . This app is needed for students who are taking Research Method and Seminar courses: Regular class 22, Professional 11 DBS, Executive 38 DBS, Executive 38 DMKT. The training was held online on Friday, 11 December 2020 through the Zoom Meeting. The speaker who fill […]
Pelatihan Mendeley
Mendeley merupakan program manajer referensi dan dapat membuat bibliografi secara otomatis. Hal ini sangat dibutuhkan bagi para mahasiswa yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah Research Method and Seminar: kelas Reguler 22, Profesional 11 DBS, Eksekutif 38 DBS, Eksekutif 38 DMKT. Pelatihan ini diadakan pada hari jumat 11 Desember 2020 secara daring melalui Zoom Meeting. Pemateri yang […]