The NGOPI (Ngobrol PIntar) Online with MM #1
Master Management Telkom University which has received accreditation A by BAN-PT and internationally accredited ABEST21 continues to innovate, one of which is through the NGOPI (NGObrol PIntar) Online with MM event. This event is held online through the ZOOM Meeting with the theme ‘The Differences between Digital Business Strategy and Traditional Business Strategy’.
Dodie Tricahyono Ph.D, a senior lecturer from MM Tel-U, was a resource person at this event, and there was also Shinta Ceysaria Y who was a student of Prof. 11 DBS as well as a National Bowling Athlete guided by Moderator Siska Noviristanti, Ph.D as the Head of MM Program Tel-U. This event ran smoothly and got high enthusiasm from the participants. Hopefully this can be useful for the participants in the future.
The following is a series of programs that you can rewatch