27 Nov 2020

Concentration Socialization Odd Semester 2020/2021

Master Management Telkom University held a concentration socialization event for the odd semester 2020/2021 on Friday, November 27, 2020. This event is held once a year for new students who will continue their studies in semester 2 for students class Regular 23, Professional 13,14 and Executive 40.

This event is held through the Zoom Meeting which starts at 09.00-finish. Attended by lecturers of MM Program Telkom University who were greeted enthusiastically by the students. In this event, the coordinator lecturers explained the concentrations that will be opened in the next semester. The explanation begins with a concentration of Digital Marketing explained by Indrawati, Ph.D, then a concentration of Finance by Dr. Riko Hendrawan, Ecopreneurship concentration by Dr. Ratna L. Nugroho, Digital Business Strategy concentration by Dodie Tricahyono, Ph.D, and Digital Talent Management concentration by Dr. Ratri Wahyuningtya.

For details, you can access the following event record:


See also  Workshop APMMI 2015