Visit MM Warmadewa University about Blended Learning Benchmark
A Visit from MM Warmadewa University about Blended Learning Benchmark was held on 16th of July 2019, at the Marore Function Hall Building MM University Telkom Gegerkalong Hilir street 47th Bandung. Benchmark start from 08.00 to 12.00 WIB. Representative from UNWAR were attended by the Head of Management Study Program Dr. Putu Ngr. Suyatna Yasa, SE., M.Si. Ni Wayan Sitiari,S.E., MM., and others.
Explanation of the material (presentation) about blended learning from MM Tel-U was delivered by Heriyono Lalu, S.T., M.T from PJJ, he delivered about services and users of During learning services. Then some items that become standard testing for eligibility are: Internet connection testing, application testing, video testing, audio testing, testing of material display, pen tablet testing. And the sharing session was continued by the Head of MM Tel-U Master Program Siska Noviaristanti, Ph.D., Vice Dean II of FEB Brady Rikumahu, S.E., M.B.A., and Vice Dean I of Telkom University Dr. Ratri Wahyuningtyas with UNWAR. UNWAR choose the Benchmark visit in the context of blended learning to MM Tel-U because they were convinced or considered that “Further cooperation with PJ Tel-U PJJ would be easier to apply in the future”, said by the Head of MM UNWAR Study Program Dr. Putu Ngr. Suyatna Yasa, SE., M.Sc.