Udayana University’s FEB Visit about the ABEST21 International Accreditation Preparation Benchmark
On March 15, 2019, colleagues from Udayana University Bali paid a visit to the Masters Management of Telkom University. The program starts at 09:00 until finished. The opening ceremony was opened by the dean of FEB Telkom University, namely Dodie Tricahyono Ir., MM., Ph.D with sharing about ABEST21. The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, a 21st century organization or ABEST21 is an international accreditation body domiciled in Japan for business studies programs or in the Asia-Pacific region. ABEST21’s mission is to develop a world of management education and learning at the Faculty of Economics and Business globally or comprehensive with proposing mutually beneficial associations and expected to contribute in the future to graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Business.
In the second session of the University of Udayana Bali by Prof. Dr. Ni Luh Putu Wiagustini, S.E., M.Sc. delivered about the uniqueness of Udayana University, one of which is the tourism study program which is the only tourism study program in Indonesia that has parallel study programs, namely S1, S2, and S3. He also said that in 2009 the Faculty of Economics had successfully opened a Doctoral Program in Economics. In the next session he asked about the difference between BANPT and ABEST21, then explained briefly and clearly by Indra Gunawan, A.Md, that BANPT and ABEST21 are very different, BANPT looks more at what has been achieved from year to year or can be said to only look history alone, while ABEST21 sees achievements for the years ahead as to what and how, accompanied by establishing targets or clear visions to achieve these goals and evaluating continuously.
At the closing of the event, Siska Noviaristanti, S.Si., MT, Ph.D, as the Head of Telkom University Master of Management Study Program, explained ABEST21 accreditation at MM FEB Tel-u became a member since 2014 and a few years after that had done several stages so that declared eligible for accreditation through the international quality management education quality standards by ABEST21. After receiving the accreditation MM FEB Tel-u did kaizen (continuous improvement) in everything that would be reported for one year later.