Prof Sutarman

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sutarman, M.Sc., IPU

ICT Based Management (IBM) Group

Position: Lecturer

Research Area: Operation & ICT

Office: Marore Building, 1st Floor


Lecturer ID:


Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sutarman, M.Sc, IPU was born in Sumedang, November 11th, 1957. He went to University of Pasundan for his undergraduate program in Industrial Engineering. He graduated from Master of Transportation Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1991. As for his doctoral degree, he graduated form Doctoral of Management Science, Padjadjaran University in 2003 with his dissertation about Logistic Management.

Teaching Subject

  • Operation & Production Management
  • Research Method and Seminar

2003Doctor in Management Science

Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
1991Master in Transportation Management

Bandung Insitute of Technology, Indonesia
1984Bachelor in Industrial Engineering

Pasundan University, Indonesia
Seritikasi Pendidik Profesional
Certified of Quality Management
Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Purchasing is a method of enhancing Profitability
How to Manage Warehouse as a Strategic Node in Supply Chain System
2023 - presentProfessor Telkom University
2022Head of Regional Organization ICMI West Java
2020Head of Regional Organization ICMI Sumedang
2014 - 2022Principal University of Majalengka
2011 - 2014Director of Postgraduate Program
University of Majalengka
2010 - 2012Director of Politeknik Pos Indonesia
2002 - 2010Dean of Faculty of Engineering
University of Pasundan
1996 - 1999Vice Dean (Academic) of Faculty of Engineering
University of Pasundan
1993 - 1996Head of Industrial Engineering Program
University of Pasundan
1990 - 1993Secretary of Industrial Engineering Program
University of Pasundan
2023Sosiaisasi Optimasi Persediaan barang Multi Item dengan Kendala Modal Kerja di Bumdes Bersama Kecamatan Sukahaji Majalengka
2020Penyuluhan Agribisnis Untuk Petani Buah "Mangga Gincu" di Kecamatan Munjul Majalengka
2019Penyuluhan Pengelolaan Sampah Organik Bekerjasama antara Universitas Majalengka dengan ITB di Kecamatan Sukahaji Majalengka
2023Sosiaisasi Optimasi Persediaan barangMulti Item dengan Kendala Modal Kerja di Bumdes Bersama Kecamatan Sukahaji Majalengka
2023The Influence of Technology and Government Regulation on the Competitiveness of the Textile Industry: Case Study of Indonesia
2022Analisis Pengukuran dan Perbaikan Kinerja Rantai Pasok menggunakan Metode SCOR
2021Implementasi Integrasi Fungsi-Fungsi Bisnis Pada Kinerja Proses Bisnis Internal Menggunakan Metode QSPM
2021Developing a Conceptual Model Of Implementation of Business Function Integration In The Internal Business Process Performance
January 30th, 2019Politeknik Nilai Negeri Sembilan Malaysia: Customs and Infrastructure Cause The Lack Of LPI Rank For Asean Countries
2019Manajemen Logistik di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0, Seminar Nasional di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nusantara Bandar Lampung
2019Indonesia Food Security & Sustainability Index, Keynote speaker at International Conference on Climate Smart Sustainable Agriculture, Majalengka University
2019Multi Item Inventory Policy Analysis with Working Capital Constraint, Proceeding International Conference UIC Barcelona Spain ISBN: 978-84-09-16395-3, International Joint Seminar “Indonesia High Education Institution Strategy in Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0”
2019The Analysis of Medicine Inventory Control in A Hospital, Science International Lahore ISSN 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8
2017City/Urban Logistics untuk Ekonomi Kota Bandar Lampung, Seminar Nasional Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Bandar Lampung
2017Rice Distribution Planning for “The Poor People” In Bandung West Java, Indonesia, ISIEM
2016Seminar Universitas Negeri Sungaperbangsa: City Logistics Untuk Pembangunan Kabupaten Karawang,
August 10th, 2015The Rice Logistics Informarion System In West Java Province, In International Lecture Majalengka University
March 2015Logistics Industry Challenges Facing The AEC 2015, International Lecture at Majalengka University
February 2015The Role of Manufacturing Supply Chain Analysis In Meeting Customer Needs of Batik Shirt, International Seminar by ISIEM, Malang
2019Founder SMK Logistik Sumedang
2015Team Leader in implementing Sistem Resi Gudang untuk Ketahanan Pangan Jawa Barat, in Ligung, Majalengka
2014Team Leader in implementing Sistem Resi Gudang untuk Ketahanan Pangan Jawa Barat, in Haurgeulis Indramayu
2010Team Leader for the establishment Akademi Kereta Api in Madiun