Studium Generale with Dr. Jacky Mussry
On November 30th 2019 the Studium Generale was held in the Auditorium, Marore Building, School of Economics and Bussiness, North Campus Telkom University. The Studium Generale was attended by Executive Class 36, 37 & 38 students. The opening from Telkom University was delivered by Dr. Maya Ariyanti, S.E., M.M.

The speaker in this Studium Generale was Dr. Jacky Mussry, Deputy CEO of MarkPlus, Inc. The topic is about “Digital Marketing 4.0”. This event was begin at 09.00 till 12.00. The enthusiasm of student is loud that make the speaker happy. Hopefully, this studium generale can be useful and become a provision for Telkom University students.