MM Telkom University Responds to the Challenges of the Digital Disruption Era: Preparing Digital Business Leaders
Master of Management Telkom University (MM Tel-U) answers the challenges of the era of digital disruption by preparing digital business leaders. In order to explore the needs of the industry today April 24, 2019 we held the 2019 Digital DNA Seminar with the heading How Digital Talent Facing Industry 4.0? with industry experts in Jakarta.
Industry experts who attended the event were Director of Digital Effort of PT Angkasa Pura II Jose Rizal; Bank Rakyat Indonesia Director of Technology and Information Indra Utoyo; BTPN Deputy Head of Human Capital Pratomo Soeryandono; and Chief Officer Growth Ayopop Ahmad Alkatiri as well as alumni of the Telecommunications and Information Technology Business Management Study Program (2008). The four speakers discussed How to Facing Digital Talent 4.0? in real terms in their respective companies and provide direction on digital talent capabilities demanded by the industry today and in the long-term.
In digital DNA 2019 the speaker marked that Digital Transformation is not about technology but how do we have digital talent that can make consumers happy and become businesses faster and more efficient plus strategies for organizational transformation. The need for digital talent cannot be outsourced, it must be insider to understand and be in line with the company’s business. Every element of the company must aim for growth. This is a challenge in the development of digital technology.
Digital mindset must be owned by all employees and departs from answering painful consumers. In responding to the challenges of digital talent, the following capabilities are needed: (1) strong problem solving skills; (2) bold confidence and tough as hell; (3) good with numbers – data; (4) agile, we launch first improve later; (5) understand, its all hands on deck system, (6) be passionate; and (7) excel master. Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Dodie Tricahyono, Ph.D explained that in facing the challenges of Industry 4.0 and Higher Education 4.0, companies should focus on long-term sustainability so that they have much better revenue and profit compared to companies that only focus on the short term. Talent development is one of the company’s long-term investment decisions that is vital for the company. MM Telkom University found a solution for the company for this. MM Telkom University curriculum is designed to answer the challenges of the era of digital disruption. Through this curriculum, MM Telkom University prepares digital business leaders. Furthermore, Head of MM Telkom University Study Program Siska Noviaristanti, Ph.D added the superior concentrations were Digital Marketing, Financial Technology, Digital Strategy, Digipreneur, Digital Talent Management, Corporate Finance, and Digital Service Management. Furthermore, he hopes that routinely engagement with industry like this will realize improving the quality of education in Indonesia and the quality of digital talent in the industry.