Greetings from Head of Study Program
Assalamua alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh…
Praise be to Allah for His mercy and grace which has provided an opportunity for Telkom University study programs especially MM Tel-U to continue to participate in building a civilization through the provision of education Master of Management.
The embryo of Prodi MM Tel-U begins on May 23, 1990, when the Master in Business Administration (MBA) MBA program organizes first Bandung in West Java. In its early years, the MBA program as a whole adopted a system of lectures held at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) Philipines. This system has proven to be very good because AIM Graduate School managed to become famous in Asia and the World. On May 10, 1993 MBA Program turns into Master of Management (MM).
Prodi management MM Tel-U refers to the vision and mission of the current study program, namely:
Becoming a master program in the field of digital-based Business Management that excels in Asia that contributes to the community’s social economic growth in 2023.
Nurturing leaders, managers, and researchers who excel in Asia through teaching, research and community service by utilizing the network and capability of stakeholders in digital-based industries.
The uniqueness of the study program MM Tel-U is an emphasis on information and communication technology industry (ICT) and international scale are reflected in the content and the learning process. Reflected in learning curriculum that offers a concentration related to information technology and communications. Development of teaching methods with the case method is one right way to develop the ability of students related to analysis and problem solving to real cases of companies – global organization.
In recognition of the quality of teaching and learning processes and outputs, Prodi MM Tel-U has earned accreditation both national and international scale, namely accreditation BAN-PT, international accreditation ABEST-21 and ISO 9001: 2008.
Prodi MM Tel-U still learning to continuously improve the quality management department of MM Tel-U taking into account input from stakeholders. It is as an expression of the desire Prodi MM Tel-U to always be better to give the best for the community, nation, and the state of Indonesia and the world.
Wassalamua alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh…