Join Mini Seminar on Master of Management TEL-U with MMU
On Monday, January 7, 2019 MM Telkom University had a special guest to join the Join Seminar. Is MMU that came to join the join seminar. Right on the North campus with the Head of MM study program Mrs. Siska Noviaristanti, S.Sc., M.T., Ph.D accompanied by the Dean of the FEB, Mr. Dodie Tricahyono, Ph.D. Join Mini Seminar has the Topic “Recent Telecommunication Industry in Malaysia and Indonesia 2019”.
On the occasion, there were several papers presented. The paper from Mr. Dr. Gadang Ramantoko and also a paper from Ms. Indrawati, Ph.D. From join seminar, many positive results were received, that the paper presented was impressed the guests from MMU and wanted to learn more about the paper.