International Collaboration MM Tel-U for title CoMDITE 2019
CoMDITE is a conference held annually by the management master program of the Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University (MM Tel-U) Indonesia with the Faculty of Multimedia University Management (MMU) Malaysia. The conference was held alternately with MMU as a form of achieving World Class University targets.
CoMDITE 2019 is chaired by Siska Noviaristanti, Ph.D, who is also the Head of MM Tel-U. CoMDITE will be held for 2 days, on 10-11 July 2019, which is located in the Marore Building Master of Management Telkom University and Indigo Building Telkom Corporate University, in Gegerkalong Hilir street 47th West Java Bandung. CoMDITE activities include panel discussion seminars and parallel presentations.
“Understanding Real Time Economy and Design for Business Sustainability” is the theme chosen as a panel discussion to make a real contribution from academics to the industry. According to Siska Noviaristanti, PhD, there are 3 main points that become the point of view of academics towards industry, namely: (1). How to answer the Marketing 4.0 challenge?, (2). The role of higher education institutions to produce graduates who are familiar with digital soft skills in finance and accounting, (3). Changes in technology that have an impact in the field of design. And the adaptation of Telkom Group and Amoeba Telkom in dealing with changes in the business environment so that it can survive in the industry becomes an attractive industry perspective. He also hopes that the paper submitted and published in CoMDITE 2019 can be a problem solving in business continuity through understanding the real economy and design.
The Seminars of CoMDITE panel discussion presented experts from academia and industry namely (a). Associate Professor Indrawati, Ph.D., from Telkom University Indonesia, (b). Professor Dr. Saravanan, from Multimedia University, Malaysia, (c). Dr. Vichaya Mukdamanee, from Silpakorn University, Thailand, (d) Dr. Rina D Pasaribu, M.Sc., CPM, Senior General Manager of Telkom Corporate University from Telkom Indonesia, (e). Fauzan Feisal, MIB, CEO of the Digital Amoeba Program from Telkom Indonesia, (f). Dr. Ratri Wahyuningtyas, Vice Dean I of Telkom University as moderator of the panel discussion sessions 2 and (g). Dr. Maya Ariyanti, the Head of FEB Telkom University Based ICT Expertise Group as moderator for the panel discussion session 2.
It is well known that the development of this era is facilitating many things, because the positive impact of technology and others, although on the other hand it also has a negative impact that is alarming the public.
According to Associate Professor Indrawati, from Telkom University Indonesia, the digital marketing mix shifted to 4C namely Co-Creation, Currency, Conversation, and Communality. Previously consisted of 4Ps: Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. This is an example of the marketing challenge 4.0 in the digital marketing mix and is a necessary strategy, especially for start-up companies.
Professor Saravanan gave a good advice to educational institutions to play an active role in producing graduates who are related to soft skills in finance and accounting such as blockchain, e-audit, big data, cryptocurrencies, auditing in cloud computing, softbot counseling, robotic in the automation process, peer-to-peer transactions, and AI applications in taxation.
Vichaya Mukdamanee from academia Silparkorn in the field of design, said that current technological changes also have an impact in the field of design. We can create artificial objects such as originals with technology inspired by nature and local communities. Art and technology is one way to build a better society further. Because of the development of technology, the artists can create an innovation in art.
From the art industry, Rina D Pasaribu explained that Telkom Indonesia launched a program to develop HR capabilities both domestically and globally, such as Hack Idea and the Digital Amoeba program. Besides that, they need Diarium and Cognitium to strengthen organizational culture.
Continued by the CEO of Amoeba Telkom Group Fauzan Feisal, to face the threats of technological change, corporations need an innovation in the form of democratization of decision making. Because economic changes will start automatically, these changes will also have a behavioral impact on society so that it can affect economic change. After the panel discussion seminar, the parallel session continued at the MM Tel-U marore building which was divided into 11 rooms for each participant to make a paper presentation from 13.00 to 15.00 WIB and at the end of the event it was closed with a dinner prepared at the Ammeerra hotel with give awards (certificates) to participants who have won the best presenter award, the delivery of certificates accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Tel-U, namely Dodie Tricahyono, Ph.D