Industrial Experts Days – Research Method Seminar Class
MM Program Tel U was held Industrial Experts Days in order to get closer and harmonize Academics and Industry with the theme “The Logic of Business Competition in New Normal Era”. At this event, we present the best Industrial Practitioners in their fields. This event is intended for MM students to gain knowledge and find out about the implementation of theory in industry.
Session 4 for all students is held on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 09.00-11.00 WIB. In this session the lecturers of Telkom University Master of Management will present their research to students so that they can get insight into the research that will be carried out later. The lecturer who gave the presentation was Dr. Ratna L Nugroho, Dr. Palti MT Sitorus, Dr. Dian Indiyati, Dr. Gadang Ramantoko, Indrawati, Ph.D and Dodie Tricahyono, Ph.D. The moderator for this session was Siska Noviaristanti, Ph.D, who is the Head of MM Program Telkom University. Hopefully this activity can provide benefits for students.