Industrial Experts Days
Higher education institutions are expected to produce quality Human Resources (HR). The existence of good human resources formed by universities will automatically improve the progress of a nation, for example through their work in various fields of industry.
Therefore, the industry needs to have a closeness with universities. One of the reasons is that various researches and innovations from universities can encourage the economic development of the country.
Master of Management at the Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University held an Industrial Experts Days event with the theme “The Logic of Competition in Digital Business” on March 6-7, 2020.
Industrial Experts Days conducted by the Master of Management Telkom University is a form of good relations between universities and industry by presenting various experts from industry and government.
In this activity presenting industry and government practitioners to discuss current issues. Experts who took part in this activity were:
- CEO of PT Telkomsel, Setyanto Hantoro who is an MM FEB Telkom University alumni
- HC Director of PT Hutama Karya, Putut Ariwibowo
- VP HR Strategic Management, Efrizal Fikri
- Faculty of Medicine, UNPAD, Dr. Ahmad Faried
- CEO of PT Angkasa Pura Sarana Digital, Ferdian Agustiana
- Head of BAPEDDA JABAR, Taufik Budi Santoso
- Managing Director of V2G, Godo Tjahono