bu siska

Siska Noviaristanti, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D.

Strategy, Human, Entrepreneurship, Economics (SHEE) Group

Position: Head of Program, Lecturer

Research Area: Strategy Management and Decision Making (SMDM)

Office: Marore Building, 2nd Floor

Email: siskamarhen@telkomuniversity.ac.id

Website: siskamarhen.staff.telkomuniversity.ac.id


SINTA – Science and Technology Index



Siska Noviaristanti, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D. is a lecturer and researcher at Telkom University. She was born in Pekanbaru on November 10, 1978. After graduating from undergraduate degree in Mathematics Department, Padjadjaran University, she studied at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management of the Bandung Institute of Technology and took Doctoral Degree at Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Once she appointed as the head of Visual Communication Design at Telkom University. In addition to teaching, Siska is also active in several international conferences and some of her works are awarded.

Teaching Subject

  • Scenario Planning
  • Digital Business Mindset
  • Platform Strategy
  • Strategic Management and Business Ecosystem
  • Research Method and Seminar
2014Doctor in Design, Manufacture, and Engineering Management
University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
2003Master in Industrial Engineering and Management
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
1997Bachelor in Mathematics
Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
2017Travel grant for conducting PhD research. Sponsor by Research and Development UK (RADMA)
2015The Best Poster in Management Research at Research Presentation Day Engineering Faculty University of Strathclyde
2015Travel grant for attending EIASM European Doctoral Summer School on Technology Management at Twente University, Netherland. Sponsor by Research and Development UK (RADMA)
2014PhD Scholarship from Directorate of Higher Education Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia
2018Penggunaan Platform Digital untuk Pemberdayaan Pengelolaan dan Pengajaran Pendidikan Taman Kanak-Kanak di Kawasan Bojongsoang, Kabupaten Bandung
Jakarta, 2019International Seminar of Contemporary Research in Business and ManagementUnderstanding Banking Ecosystem: A Case Study of National Bank in Timor-Leste
Bandung, 2019Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation (SCBTII) 2019Social Network Analysis in Digital Marketing Company Business Ecosystem
Padang, 2018The 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and AccountingUnderstanding Open Innovation in Large Firms: A Co-Citation Bibliometric Analysis
Bandung, 2018The 6th International Seminar and Conference on Learning OrganisationThe Role of Corporate Accelerator in Start-Ups' Social Capital Development
Reykjavik, Iceland, June 201724th Innovation and Product Development Management ConferenceThe Role of the Corporate Accelerator as an Innovation Intermediary for Corporation and Start-ups
Copenhagen, June, 2017European Group of Organisational StudiesThe Orchestration Role of An Innovation Intermediary in Open Strategy: A Corporate Accelerator Program
Glasgow, UK, June 20169th Doctoral Workshop of Product Development ManagementThe Widening Role of Innovation Intermediary
Glasgow, UK, June 201623rd Innovation and Product Development Management ConferenceMapping the Rise of Innovation Intermediary: Future Challenges
Copenhagen, June 2015Doctoral Workshop on Product Development ManagementA Bibliometric Analysis of Crowdsourcing for Open Inovation
Glasgow, UK, November 20152015 Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship ConferenceThe Role of Intermediaries in Co-creation during the Innovation Process
Portsmouth, UK, June 20152015 British Academy of Management ConferenceExploring Crowdsourcing in Open Innovation
Makassar, March 2014The 9th National Seminar on Information TechnologyDesign of Crowdfunding Website for SMEs in Bandung, Indoneisa
2018 - presentHead of Master of Management Program - Telkom University
2013 - 2014Head of Communication Science Study Program - Telkom University
2011 - 2013Head of Visual Communication Design Study Program - Telkom Institute of Management
2009 - 2011Manager of Faculty of Management Design and Communication's Secretariat - Telkom Institute of Management
2009Survey Coordinator for MBTI Curriculum Revision Team Telkom Institute of Management
2008Marketing Research Team Member for Telkom products
2008Coordinator of Curriculum Development Team for Visual Communication Design Study Program - Telkom Institute of Management
2002 - 2004General Manager - Jendela Hati Alquran Training Institution