Dr. Edi Witjara, MCA.
Strategy, Human, Entrepreneurship, Economics (SHEE) Group
Position: Lecturer
Research Area: Strategy Management and Decision Making, Human Capital And Talent Development
Office: Marore Building, 1st Floor
Email: ewitjara@gmail.com
Lecturer ID:
Edi Witjara was born in Kediri, November 17, 1972. He is a lecturer of Master Management, Faculty of Economics and Business. He studied Electrical engineering for his Undergraduate Program at STTT Telkom in 1996. For his Master Degree, he graduated from Master of Law at Padjadjaran University in 2009. He graduated from Doctoral of Strategy Management at Padjadjaran University in 2018
Teaching Subject
- Strategy Management and Business Ecosystem
- Human Resource
- Knowledge Management & Learning Organization
2019 | Doctoral Degree in Business Strategic - Summa Cum laude Padjajaran University, Indonesia |
2009 | Master Degree in Business Law Padjadjaran University, Indonesia |
1995 | Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Telkom University, Indonesia |
2020 | Manajemen Strategis |
2019 | Digital Business Valuation |
2010 | Certified Management Accounting (CMA) |
2021 | International Business Award |
2021 | Asia Pasific Stevie Award |
2021 | Relawan Program Vaksin Merdeka from POLRI |
2020 | Layanan Konsultasi Sejiwa for Presidential Office Staff |
2019 | Satya Lencana Kebaktian Sosial from President RI |
2015 | Satya Lencana Wira Karya from President RI |
2022 - Present | Supervisory Board (Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia, Bandung Branch) |
2022 - Present | Supervisory Board (Forum Alumni STT Telkom) |
2021 - Present | Supervisory Board (Asosiasi Perusahaan Nasional Telekomunikasi) |
2018 - Present | Senate Member of Faculty (Telkom University) |
2018 - Present | General Secretary (TAPLAI Kebangsaan LEMHANAS RI Angkatan II) |
2018 - Present | Lecturer (Telkom University) |
Business and Transformation Leadership,
Strong Networking with Core Competence:
- Financial & Accounting Management
- Human Capital Management
- Digital Service & Technology