Admission of new students
On Friday December 25, 2018, MM had made the Opening of Event 2018/2019 New Student Class. The event was attended by the Head of MM Study Program Ms. Siska Noviaristanti, P.hD, Mr. Dodie Tricahyono, P.hD as the FEB dean, Mrs. Dr. Ratri W as Deputy Dean II of FEB, Mr. Dr. Bradi Rikumahu as Deputy […]
Join Mini Seminar on Master of Management TEL-U with MMU
On Monday, January 7, 2019 MM Telkom University had a special guest to join the Join Seminar. Is MMU that came to join the join seminar. Right on the North campus with the Head of MM study program Mrs. Siska Noviaristanti, S.Sc., M.T., Ph.D accompanied by the Dean of the FEB, Mr. Dodie Tricahyono, Ph.D. […]
Company Visit SMK 1 Muntok
On Friday, November 30, 2018 Mrs. Dra. INDRAWATI, M.M, Ph.D visited SMK 1 Muntok to be a companion about what had been achieved about TechnoPark. Mrs. Iin became a companion for SMK 1 Muntok to launch a superior startup product. Among them are Startup Bronic, electrical free, techno friend, IT is your Partner and others. […]
International Conference on Business and Information Management
Who does not know Mrs. Dra. INDRAWATI, M.M, Ph.D. , whose active lecture in the field of education and a lot of research he did. And the proud thing is, on 20 till 22 of September 2018, Mrs. Iin (her nickname) has just received an award at the International Conference, there are “2018 2nd International […]
“The 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting”
On November 24, 2018, our Head of Study Program Siska Noviaristanti, S.Sc., MT, Ph.D, and our lecturer Dr. Gadang Ramantoko, attended the meeting “The 2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economy, Business and Accounting – Sustainable Innovation in the Digital Age” (The 2nd PICEEBA). In the event, Mrs. Siska’s research was titled: “Understanding Open Innovation […]