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Community Service: Traditional Market and Covid-19

Traditional Market and Covid-19: Digital Transformation and Clean Healthy Market Culture as a Strategy to Overcome the Pandemic FEB Telkom University Community Service to Traditional Market in Kabupaten Bandung by: Dodie Tricahyono, Risris Rismayani, and Yusuf Budiana Traditional markets are important presence in society as a mean to provide food and daily necessities safely. According […]


Webinar Series Online

Prodi Magister Manajemen Universitas Telkom mengadakan Web-seminar online setiap hari Jumat yang menghadirkan para ahli untuk mengenalkan prodi MM yang mengusung tema sebagai berikut: #1 Finance Technology Finance Technology merupakan inovasi di bidang jasa keuangan yang sedang banyak diminati di Indonesia. MM Tel-U merupakan pelopor implementasi teknologi digital (ICT) dalam kurikulum S2 bisnis dan manajemen. […]


100 Day Donation Program for Indonesia

Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University has organized short online training on popular management topics. All registration fees from participants will be donated to help community needs during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 pandemic (Covid-19). Here is the documentation of the event that has been carried out by the Lecturers of Masters of Management […]


Community Service School of Economics and Business Telkom University

Market is the backbone of the current Indonesian economy, especially traditional markets, which is part of the statement of the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs. But the real fact shows that the number of traditional markets continues to decline when compared to the number of modern market growth which tends to increase (www.kppu.go.id). This increase […]


Industrial Experts Days

Higher education institutions are expected to produce quality Human Resources (HR). The existence of good human resources formed by universities will automatically improve the progress of a nation, for example through their work in various fields of industry. Therefore, the industry needs to have a closeness with universities. One of the reasons is that various […]