
Inspiring Story of Agate Studio

Games. What firstly appears on your mind when you hear the word games? Something challenging? Something addictive? Entertainer when alone? Something to be avoided? Or even business opportunities? Indeed, the interpretation of games is very diverse. Games can not be concluded as something good or bad. Many advantages and also disadvantages that we can get […]


Indonesian Economic Bachelor Association of Tel-U Officially Formed

BANDUNG, TEL-U – The existence of MEA in 2016 has made academics and practitioners had the high qualifications then can to compete, one of which is the recognition or certification. To encourage this, the Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) formed the Indonesian Economic Bachelor Association (ISEI) with Deputy Dean II of […]


Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia Tel-U Resmi Dibentuk

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Keberadaan MEA di tahun 2016 ini membuat para akademisi maupun praktisi harus memiliki kualifikasi yang tinggi agar mampu bersaing, salah satunya dengan adanya pengakuan atau sertifikasi. Untuk mendorong hal itu, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) membentuk Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI) dengan Wakil Dekan II FEB, Lia Yuldinawati, ST, […]

By | Acara

Kuliah Umum Bersama Mr. Italo Gani

Kuliah umum kali ini dilaksanakan di Aula lantai tiga gedung MBTI Internasional, Jalan Gegerkalong No. 47 Bandung. Kegiatan perkuliahan ini diikuti oleh mahasiswa Batch enam alias semester dua yang terdiri dari 49 mahasiswa. Kegiatan ini berlangsung dengan mengangkat tema ‘Integrated Marketing Communication for Mass Communication and Personal Communication’. Para mahasiswa sangat antusias mengikuti kuliah umum […]


Joint Public Lecture Mr. Italo Gani

The public lecture this time held in the Hall third floor of the International MBTI, Jalan Gegerkalong No. 47 Bandung. Lecturing activities was followed by six aliases Batch students two semesters consisting of 49 students. The event was held with the theme “Integrated Marketing Communication for Mass Communication and Personal Communication ‘. The students are […]