Mahasiswa MM Tel-U mengikuti Live Case Competition
Pada hari selasa, tanggal 25 April 2017 , jam 10.00 – selesai , Mahasiswa S2 Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis – Telkom University memberikan presentasi mengenai usulan Rencana Strategis Click Square 5 tahun ke depan. Tempat kegiatan yaitu di Mini Theater Click Square 5M Floor. Berikut dokumentasi pada saat acara tersebut:
10 Free Contest Schedules With Tens of Million Prizes (From the Government)
The competition is generally held by the ministry with free registration fees, there are types of contest there are also training. Anyway, immediately recommend to friends, let’s build Indonesia. Regards, @informasilomba
10 Jadwal Lomba Gratis Dengan Hadiah Puluhan Juta (Dari Pemerintah)
1. Lomba Karya Ilmiah dari Bank BI 2017, Hadiah 92.5 Jt, DL 29 Sepetember 2017, selengkapnya 2. Lomba Menulis Artikel Jurnalistik 2017 dari Kementrian Keuangan, DL 3 Mei 2017, selengkapnya 3. Lomba Foto Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 2017 (Hadiah 150,5 Jt), DL 2 Mei 2017, selengkapnya 4. Lomba Menulis Feature, Opini, dan Berita […]
Leader’s Talk Episode 11 – Dr. -Ing. Ilhan Habibie, MBA.
Are You… Telkom University Academia? Are You… The next leaders of Indonesia? Are you ready for the great inspiring sesion from one of the best leaders in innovation and Technology? We cordially invite you to 11th Leader’s Talk When Wednesday, March 29, 2017. 09.00 AM – 12.00 PM Venue 5th Floor of Intata Building (FKB […]
Organizing of 2016 CTPR by Master Management Study Program Tel-U
On December 21-25, 2016, the 2nd CTPR initiated by the Master Management Study Program was held at the Hilton Hotel in Bandung. The event was opened by the Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, Ph.D consists of several activities such as keynote speeches, panel discussions, dinner talks, and industry visits. Some modules discussed […]