Visit MM Warmadewa University about Blended Learning Benchmark
A Visit from MM Warmadewa University about Blended Learning Benchmark was held on 16th of July 2019, at the Marore Function Hall Building MM University Telkom Gegerkalong Hilir street 47th Bandung. Benchmark start from 08.00 to 12.00 WIB. Representative from UNWAR were attended by the Head of Management Study Program Dr. Putu Ngr. Suyatna Yasa, […]
Kunjungan MM Universitas Warmadewa dalam Rangka Benchmark Blended Learning
Kunjungan dari MM Universitas Warmadewa (UNWAR) dalam rangka benchmark blended learning dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 Juli 2019, di gedung Marore Function Hall MM Tel-U Gegerkalong Hilir no.47 Bandung. Benchmark dimulai dari pukul 08.00-12.00 WIB. Perwakilan dari UNWAR dihadiri oleh Ketua Prodi Magister Manajemen Dr. Putu Ngr. Suyatna Yasa, SE., M.Si. Ni Wayan Sitiari,S.E., MM., dan […]
International Collaboration MM Tel-U for title CoMDITE 2019
CoMDITE is a conference held annually by the management master program of the Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University (MM Tel-U) Indonesia with the Faculty of Multimedia University Management (MMU) Malaysia. The conference was held alternately with MMU as a form of achieving World Class University targets. CoMDITE 2019 is chaired by Siska Noviaristanti, […]
Kolaborasi Internasional MM Tel-U Gelar CoMDITE 2019
CoMDITE adalah konferensi yang di adakan setiap tahun sekali oleh program magister manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Telkom University (MM Tel-U) Indonesia dengan Fakultas Manajemen Multimedia University (MMU) Malaysia. Konferensi tersebut dilakukan secara bergantian bersama MMU sebagai bentuk pencapaian target World Class University. CoMDITE 2019 di ketuai oleh Siska Noviaristanti, Ph.D, yang juga merupakan kaprodi […]
Visit MM FEB Udayana University about Benchmark Curriculum and International Accreditation ABEST21
MM FEB, Udayana University, Bali visited MM Tel-U for the second time, on June 27, 2019, at 17:45 WIB, in the Function Hall Room, Marore Building. The first visit was preparation for ABEST21, while the second visit was about curriculum and ABEST21. This event was attended by: (a). FEB Tel-U Dean Dodie Tricahyono, Ph.D, (b). […]