Benchmark STIE Pelita Indonesia
A Visit from STIE Pelita Indonesia was held on Thursday, October 3rd 2019, at the Function Hall 1st Floor Marore Building, School of Economics and Business, North Campus of Telkom University. The Benchmark start from 13.30 to 15.00. Representative from STIE Pelita Indonesia were attended by Evelyn Wijaya, Layla Hafni, A. Tayip, Teddy Chandra, and […]
The Strategy Management and Business Ecosystem Generale Lecture
On Saturday, 14th of September 2019, the Strategy Management and Business Ecosystem Generale Lecture was held in the Marore Building Hall, 3rd Floor Telkom University. The lecture was attended by 9 professional class students and 36 executives. Right at 08.00 the commencement of the registration and opening of lectures from Tel-U was delivered by Siska […]
Kuliah Manajemen Strategi dan Ekosistem Bisnis
Pada hari sabtu tanggal, 14 September 2019 diadakannya Kuliah Manajemen Strategi dan Ekosistem Bisnis di Aula Gedung Marore Lantai 3 Telkom University. Kuliah tersebut diikuti oleh Mahasiswa kelas profesional 9 dan eksekutif 36. Tepat pukul 08.00 sudah dimulainya registrasi dan opening kuliah dari Tel-U disampaikan oleh Siska Noviaristanti, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D. Pembicara kuliah manajemen strategi […]
Workshop of Design Thinking for MM Lecturer and KK SEE
On Thursday, 8th of August 2019 a Design Thinking workshop was held at Cacuk Sudarija Corporate University Telkom (Telkom Corpu) building. The workshop is specifically for MM Lecturers and KK SEE. Exactly at 08.00 the registration has begun and the opening of the workshop from Tel-U was delivered by Ir. Dodie Tricahyono, MM., Ph. D, […]
Pelatihan Design Thinking Bagi Dosen MM dan KK SEE
Pada hari kamis, 8 Agustus 2019 diadakannya workshop Design Thinking di gedung Cacuk Sudarija Telkom Corporate University (Telkom Corpu). Workshop tersebut khusus untuk Dosen MM dan KK SEE. Tepat pukul 08.00 sudah dimulainya registrasi dan opening workshop dari Tel-U disampaikan oleh Ir. Dodie Tricahyono, MM., Ph. D, yang dilanjut opening dari Arif Rudiantara dari Amoeba […]