Community Service Program
In 2017, Bank Indonesia projects Indonesia’s economic growth by 5.1%. This value is the biggest projected growth in the last three years. While the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs stated that the market is the backbone of the current Indonesian economy, especially the traditional markets. However, the number of traditional markets as the backbone of […]
Pelatihan Pemasaran Digital Untuk Produk Pasar Tradisional di Komunitas Sakola Pasar
Pada Hari Rabu, 30 Oktober 2019 bertempat di Pasar Cihapit, telah dilaksanakan Pelatihan. Pelatihan Pemasaran Digital Untuk Produk Pasar Tradisional di Komunitas Sakola Pasar tersebut diikuti 20 (duapuluh) peserta yang merupakan pedagang di Pasar Cihapit. Para Peserta merupakan pedagang produk seperti sayur mayur, daging potong, tahu tempe, juga buah buahan serta kebutuhan sehari-hari lainnya. Pada kesempatan […]
Digital Marketing Training for Traditional Market Product in Sakola Pasar Community
On Wednesday, October 30th 2019 placed at Cihapit Market, was held the Training. The Digital Marketing Training for Traditional Market Product in Sakola Pasar Community was attended by 20 participant whose the traders in Cihapit. The participant is product traders like vegetables, meat, tofu tempeh, also fruits and the others daily needs. On this occasion […]
Kuliah Umum dengan Dr. Vanessa Ratten
Pada hari Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019 Kuliah Umum diadakan di Perpustakaan Gedung Marore Lantai 1, Sekolah Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Kampus Utara Universitas Telkom. Kuliah Umum dihadiri oleh siswa dari kelas reguler 20. Dimulai pukul 9.00-10.00. Pembukaan dari Tel-U disampaikan oleh Indrawati, Ph.D. Pembicara dalam Kuliah Umum ini adalah Associate Professor, Dr. Vanessa Ratten. Topiknya adalah […]
Studium Generale with Dr. Vanessa Ratten
On Thursday, October 10th 2019 the Studium Generale was held in the Library 1st Floor Marore Building, School of Economics and Business, North Campus Telkom University. The Studium Generale was attended by students from reguler class 20. The studium generale was begin at 09.00 till 10.00. The opening from Tel-U was delivered by Indrawati, Ph.D. The speaker in this studium generale was […]