Benchmark STIE Pelita Indonesia
A Visit from STIE Pelita Indonesia was held on Thursday, October 3rd 2019, at the Function Hall 1st Floor Marore Building, School of Economics and Business, North Campus of Telkom University. The Benchmark start from 13.30 to 15.00. Representative from STIE Pelita Indonesia were attended by Evelyn Wijaya, Layla Hafni, A. Tayip, Teddy Chandra, and Adriana Kurniawan. And representative from MM Tel-U were attended by the Head of Master Management Study Program Siska Noviaristanti, Ph.D., Dr. Ratri Wahyuningtyas, M.M. and Risris Rismayani, S.MB.,S.Pd.,M.M.

The Benchmark is about study banding between STIE Pelita Indonesia and MM Tel-U. The representative from STIE Pelita Indonesia is also submit a collaboration about academic with MM Tel-U. Hopefully this meeting will be good for STIE Pelita Indonesia and MM Tel-U.