Author: Magister Manajemen

Perkuliahan Bersama Dosen Tamu dari C-59

Sabtu 3 Desember 2016 Telkom University Program Studi Magister Manajemen kedatangan dosen tamu yang sangat luar biasa. Beliau adalah Bapak Marius Widyarto. Beliau dikenal sebagai THE LEGEND OF INDONESIAN CLOTH. Berikut dokumentasi perkuliahan bersama beliau.    


Master of Management FEB Tel-U Received International Accreditation ABEST 21

TOKYO, TEL-U – Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University (MM Tel-U) received international accreditation from The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, a 21st century organization (ABEST21). Tel-U achieved this accreditation along with nine of graduate programs in business management and economics from five countries. From Indonesia, other than […]


Tel-U Interlaced Cooperation with Kumamoto University Japan

TOKYO, TEL-U – Rector of Telkom University (Tel-U) Prof Mochamad Ashari M Eng PhD, optimistic that in a short time will cooperate with Kumamoto University – Japan. This was conveyed by the Rector after meeting with President of Kumamoto University, Dean of Graduate School of Science and Technoloogy (GSST) and Tel-U lecturers who is currently […]


Conjoint Analysis Training

On Friday (04/03) Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Telkom University (Tel-U) was held a training to improve the insight and knowledge of lecturers about conjoint analysis that held at the 4th floor accounting laboratory of Manterau Building. The training event was attended by dozens of Tel-U FEB Lecturers and the material presented was Bpk. […]


Cerita Inspiratif dari Studio Agate

Games. Apa yang pertama kali muncul di pikiran Anda ketika Anda mendengar kata game? Sesuatu yang menantang? Adiktif? Penghibur saat sendirian? Sesuatu yang harus dihindari? Atau bahkan peluang bisnis? Memang, interpretasi game sangat beragam. Game tidak bisa disimpulkan sebagai sesuatu yang baik atau buruk. Banyak kelebihan dan juga kekurangan yang bisa kita dapatkan dari game. […]