Dr. Astri Ghina, S.Si., M.S.M.
Strategy, Human, Entrepreneurship, Economics (SHEE) Group
Position: Lecturer
Research Area: Entrepreneurship Ecosystem / Startup Ecosystem
Office: Marore Building, 1st Floor
Email: aghina@telkomuniversity.ac.id
Lecturer ID:
Astri was born in Bandung, July 24, 1980. She studied Chemistry for her Undergraduate Program at Padjadjaran University during 1998-2002. For her Master Degree, She graduated from Master of Science in Management, School of Business and Management (SBM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 2011. She graduated from Doctoral of Science in Management (DSM), School of Business and Management (SBM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 2015. She has had business experience since 1998. The business fields she has worked in are Food, Fashion, Education, and Training. She has had teaching experience since 2008. Her focus is teaching and research in the fields of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, New Business Management, Business Development, Lean Startup, Design Thinking for Business, Business Model Validation, and Customer Validation. Currently, She has been actively teaching at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University since 2011. Apart from being a lecturer, She, who has Entrepreneurship Coach Practitioner certification, is also active as a mentor and coach for new technology-based business start-ups. She is also active as a researcher who has published her results in various reputable national and international journals.
Teaching Subject
Entrepreneurship Project
Business Model Validation
Digital Thinking for Business
Customer Validation
Research Method and Seminar
2015 | Doctoral of Science in Management, School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
2011 | Master of Science in Management, School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
1998 | Bachelor in Chemistry Padjadjaran University, Indonesia |
Ghina, A., Anggadwita, G., Palalic, R., & Dewi, R.N. (2023). Designing value proposition for increasing business competitiveness: A case study of startup business in Indonesia. In A. Rafiki, L.P. Dana, & M.D.T.P. Nasution (Eds.), Open innovation in small business: Creating value for sustainability (pp. 99-115), Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. |
Sukmadi, Ghina, A., Kasim, F., Jamiat, N., & Goeltom, A.D.L. (2021). Ekonomi Kreatif: Berbasis Etnik dan Budaya Bangsa. Alfabeta. |
Gustomo, A., Dhewanto, W., Herliana, S., & Ghina, A. (2019). Model Kompetensi Kewirausahaan Pelaku UKM dalam Mendukung Daya Saing Usaha. ITB Press |
Lubis, R.L., Ghina, A., & Fitria, S.E. (2019). Panduan Pemilahan Sampah Anorganik. |
Ghina, A., Simatupang, T.M., & Gustomo, A. (2017). Entrepreneurship education within higher education institutions (HEIs). In Renes, S.L. (Ed.). Global Voices in Higher Education. IntechOpen. |
2018 | Certified Entrepreneurship Coach Practitioner |
2023 | Mindset Leading Self |
2018 | Pelatihan Ecobrick |
2017 | Workshop of Mobile Apps Builder |
2017 | Workshop Facebook Ads Mastery |
2019 | Wisata Darling |
2018 | EDOM Tertinggi |
2015 | The Best Doctoral Researcher |
2019 | Pengembangan Tata Kelola Bank Sampah Cihampelas Mandiri Berbasis Digital Untuk Meningkatkan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di RW-05 Kelurahan Cipaganti, Kecamatan Coblong – Kota Bandung |
2018 - 2019 | Edukasi Lanjutan, Pendampingan Berkesinambungan dan Tata Kelola Bank Sampah Berbasis Kelompok Rumah Tangga (RT) untuk Meningkatkan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di RW-05 Kelurahan Cipaganti, Kecamatan Coblong – Kota Bandung (Periode: Tahun ke-2) |
2017 - 2018 | Sosialisasi Lanjutan, Edukasi dan Upaya Rintisan Pembuatan Bank Sampah Berbasis Kelompok Rumah Tangga (RT) untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Warga di RW-05 Kelurahan Cipaganti, Kecamatan Coblong – Kota Bandung (Periode: Tahun ke-1) |
2017 | Pembuatan Desain Mural Pada Bank Sampah Bersinar di Baleendah |
2017 | Analysis of entrepreneurial university: Engagement with learning, research, and community |
2017 | Entrepreneurial competencies of graduates within a university context |
2016 - 2017 | Mengembangkan Jiwa Berwirausaha Melalui Sistem Bank Sampah di RW-05 Cihampelas Kota Bandung. |
2016 | Membangun Karakter Kewirausahaan Pada Siswa/i Jenjang Pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Panti Asuhan Anak Shaleh Di Kota Bandung’ |
2016 | Identifikasi implementasi empat dimensi inovasi menurut Joe Tid dalam bisnis Go-Jek |
2016 | Fostering an entrepreneurial university: Conceptual framework and measurement |
2016 | Relevance of graduates’ competencies toward the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education within a university context |
2023 | Narasumber Calender of Culture Action (CoCA), Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Telkom University |
2022 | Narasumber GRIT Creativepreneur Hub, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Telkom University |
2022 | Narasumber Beda Buku "Ekonomi Kreatif Berbasis Etnik dan Budaya Bangsa", Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung |
2020 | Webinar series online : Ecopreneurship "Memperluas Cakrawala Pemikiran - to the Expand the Horizon of Thingking", Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Telkom University |
2020 | Narasumber Passage to ASEAN Virtual Journey 2020, Telkom University, Mapua University, Universitas Islam Indonesia |
2020 | Narasumber Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat “Penyelenggaraan Metode Pembelajaran Online, Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Bisnis di Era Pandemi Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar di Wilayah Bandung”, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Telkom University |
2020 | Narasumber BTP Talk “How to Run a Startup”, Bandung Techno Park, Telkom University |
2020 | Narasumber Short Online Training "Entrepreneurial University", Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Telkom University |
2020 | Narasumber Webinar Series Online, Magister Manajemen, Telkom University |
2018 | Narasumber Book Review: Girl Code dan Langkah Sejuta Suluh, SGM Telkom Corporate University |
2017 | Saresehan Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat, Persatuan Guru Besar Indonesia & Universitas Telkom |
2017 | Narasumber Mini Seminar: Management and Organization in Digital Era, FEB-Universitas Telkom dan Universiti Malaysia Sabah |
2017 | Narasumber Pelatihan bagi Wirausaha Baru Kota Bandung, Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah Kota Bandung |
2017 | Keynote Speaker of International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education, Ontarion College for Research and Development |
Coaching and mentoring technology based startup since 2019 |
Coaching and mentoring micro and small business since 2017 |