25 Feb 2016

Joint Public Lecture Mr. Italo Gani

The public lecture this time held in the Hall third floor of the International MBTI, Jalan Gegerkalong No. 47 Bandung. Lecturing activities was followed by six aliases Batch students two semesters consisting of 49 students.
The event was held with the theme “Integrated Marketing Communication for Mass Communication and Personal Communication ‘. The students are very enthusiastic about taking this public lecture presented by Mr. Italo Gani, a co-founder and CEO Adskom.

This lecture materials took place on Friday April 17, 2015 from 15:30 pm to 17:30 pm. The lecture covers the material in the subject Marketing Management, which is being taken by the students of the second semester of this. With very interesting lecture content capable of bridging theory and how real in the industry, so as to make the students become active to ask questions at the same time discussing with Mr. Italo Gani as speaker.
With the Marketing Management’s public lecture, students are expected to find inspiration, increase innovation, and self-motivation to create or develop an individual business in the present and the future.
See also  Guest Lecturer Prof. Saravanan