14 Aug 2018

Community Service Program

This program is an activity which is one of the responsibilities of Telkom University to its neighborhood. This program is carried out to help people who want to do business but do not have the ability. This community service program was carried out on the Neglasari – Majalaya area.

The program begin at July 5, 2018. Attended by Dodie Tricahyono, Ir., MM., PhD and village socialite.

At  July 26, some programs attended by Dodie Tricahyono, Ir., MM., PhD, Dr. MAYA ARIYANTI, S.E., M.M., and the students to support the program.

At july 28, Herry Irawan, ST., MM., Sri Widyanesti, ST., MM., Soeparwoto Dharmoputra, Ir., MBT. and the students attend the discussion to use web as an alternative business process.

At July 29, Andry Alamsyah, Ph.D., Yudi Priyadi, ST, MT., Candiwan, Ir., M.ICT. and the students attend the discussion to improve the distribution system of superior rice commodity in Neglasari village.

Telkom University decided to help Neglasari village to become an independent and tourism village by discussing brand strategy and packaging products for SMEs (Small Medium Enterprise) and using the website as a digital marketing tool for entrepreneurship in the village community.

See also  Assesmen Lapangan Akreditasi LAM EMBA Prodi S2 Manajemen Universitas Telkom